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John Maienza and Gregg Wilson apply a 360 degree approach to each client scenario. Their clients experience a superlative process from design conception through realization. John and Gregg bring client projects into focus combining vision, aesthetics and lifestyle with precision design execution and project management.

Est. 1990

         I first met John and Greg photographing the apartment they designed for Steve Kroft for an Architectural Digest story. The building was in a venerable old Upper West Side courtyard building and the apartment had the lived-in qualities of comfort, style and informality. Since this initial introduction I have photographed many of their projects for the magazine and been their guest at their homes in New York, California and Hawaii. I have seen their skills in recognizing the latent potential in their commissions and seen those projects develop to the fullest. Their work has a broad range and is of the highest order. They couldn't be more pleasurable to work with.

          John and Gregg are simply a powerhouse of a team. John is a licensed architect and they both have experience in construction and an eye for interior design that creates a formula of producing just the perfect work. I think for anyone who has little time and just wants to be at ease that the right thing will be done the first time around these are the guys to go to. With one simple explanation of what you are looking to accomplish, they create a vision and project plan that is unparallelled. I can write all I want here but their portfolio speaks for itself-the homes they have built and designed are the showcase of some of the top home magazines in the world. They are friendly, honest, professional, and to work with them is to investment in work that pays for itself.

Relationship: Colleague

Project Date: N/A

Project Price Range: N/A

Relationship: Client

Project Date: May 2013

Project Price Range: more than $100,000

         Incredibly knowledgable team with a deep understanding of design history, construction management, and the practical realities of living in a space. They respect the location of their projects and optimize the given space in their design. Because they don't fight the natural features of a place, their projects have a sense of ease - they flow naturally and feel welcoming. They are also excellent project managers who approach their work with pride.They're efficient, fair, honest, and confident, which makes for effective and enjoyable project brainstorming, planning, and execution. Lastly, they have fabulous taste and they are truly nice people, both of which are hard to find and impossible to teach.

Relationship: Client

Project Date: May 2012

Project Price Range: $10,000-$49,999

         I am executive director of a non-profit organization fabled for it's Annual Galas. The Maienza-Wilson team came into a blank space and created a phantasmagoria of sights, sounds and experience, using incredible imagination to make an underwater room! With fishes swimming around, "kelp" fabric draped from columns - it was the most creative event we've ever had! These guys are cool cucumbers, when things get frantic, they stay focused and pull off miracles. The year Maienza-Wilson did our event, our attendance was DOUBLED. We love them orever I would recommend Mainza-Wilson to anybody andor any group.

Relationship: Client

Project Date: May 2010

Project Price Range: more than $100,000

John' s inspiration has stemmed from a love of architecture and design created by the international masters of Architecture and Decorative Arts from 18th century Europe, Asia and the Americas. Over the course of decades, Modernism has remained a constant thread in his work, as well as a passion. From the Bauhaus to ClassicContemporary, his true skill is evidenced by the perfect balance he strikes between old and new, historic and modern. John Maienza is an accomplished architect and interior designer, who has worked throughout the US extensively and internationally in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. John's clients include Hollywood elite, Silicon Valley Icons, and Wall Street Magnates, and everyone in between. His work includes both corporate and residential projects and include award winning designs both in style and sustainability.

As a fifth generation Californian who was born into the building industry, development and construction are part of his internal make-up. At the core of his inspiration is a love of history, architecture, landscape and geography. Perfectly balanced by a strong sense of diplomacy and communication, Gregg can navigate the often-challenging seas of design and building. Gregg is uniquely talented in the roles of project manager, contractor, and designer. He has successfully managed both commercial and residential projects on a national scale. He has personally developed residential projects from the Eastern Seaboard to Hawaii. Commercially, he has estimated, negotiated and managed commercial projects that have a total value of near one billion, USD. In the design field, his work has been featured on national television, on the pages of Architectural has been featured on national television, on

John has recently completed an award winning eco-luxury LEED certified Platinum custom home. John is a member of the American Institute of Architects and has held board positions on the American Society of Interior Designers. John' s work has been featured extensively in numerous publications that include Architectural Digest, The Robb Report,The Wall Street Journal, Better Homes and Gardens, the New York Times and Chicago Tribune. Active in the integration of media and design, John has been featured on HGTV and is an award-winning filmmaker.


John is a frequent contributor on trending design subjects across numerous media platforms. An active philanthropist, John has designed and/or hosted events for groups including Heal The Ocean, The Jane Goodall Institute, DIFFA, and Caretakers of the Environment. Originally from Oak Park, Illinois, John attended Tulane University's School of Architecture, garnering a Master Degree of Architecture and a Bachelor of Arts in Art History.

on the pages of Architectural Digest, the Wall Street Journal, The Robb Report, and a number of regional publications. An avid art collector and aficionado, Gregg's passion takes him deep inside the world of art museums and the curating of art. As Construction Manager, he balances that passion by serving the client of the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. His appreciation of music also drove his previous work at the multi-staged 12-year renovation of the Santa Barbara Bowl. In addition, Gregg assists independent residential clients on all scales of the spectrum during renovations and design projects. Gregg focuses on the subtleties of design and construction methodology, from a practical knowledge base without compromising style. An avid global traveler, he has traveled extensively around the world and is also an accomplished sailor. As an environmental enthusiast, he has been a founding member of Malama Maunalua in Hawaii, and chaired celebrity charity events in California for Heal the Ocean. In addition, Gregg has co-produced events for Direct Relief, as well as hosting Jane Goodall in his home. Gregg hails from Hollywood, CA. and is a graduate from Pepperdine University.

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